“Timing is everything,” so the saying goes, and it’s absolutely true. I’ve been working with a bride and groom whose wedding is upcoming and they are unsure as to how to proceed. They wanted to keep the date, given all the plans made and money spent, but realized it just wasn’t the right time. They changed the date of the wedding, allowing them to have a celebration not rushed or overshadowed by fear.
In the gospel, Jesus eludes those who wanted to confront him and bring about his demise by slipping away; it wasn’t the right “time.” In John’s gospel, he refers to this as not being the right “hour” for Jesus. When Mary asked Jesus to do something as the wine was running out at the wedding feast in Cana, he replied, “ My hour has not yet come.” His time had not yet come.
Sometimes we have to realize when it’s just not the right time , or “hour”, to enter into a marriage, change jobs, confront a loved one, make a big move. We need to give important moments and big decisions time to allow the ramifications to be realized. Prudence demands time which gives birth to wisdom. The “hour” of Jesus, the right moment in time. occurred at his Passion, Death and Resurrection: the Paschal Mystery.
Jesus, Himself, needed to be ready for what he came to do and accomplish; he needed time and prayer to surrender to the plan of salvation.
Perhaps right now, this is our “hour,” the moment to redirect our lives to what is truly meaningful. During this worldwide pandemic, maybe it is humanity’s time, our “hour” to realize how connected we all are, for this virus is one enemy EVERY human being wants to eradicate and conquer. Maybe this is the “hour” to realize the one reality and experience that unites us all, and has the power to overcome division and hatred: Love.
Fr. Frank