SPRED is a spiritual ministry that assists people in parishes to integrate those with special needs (developmental or learning disabilities) into parish assemblies of worship through the process of religious development.  SPRED communities are based on age group (6-10, 11-16, 17-21, and 22+).  At St. Teresa of Avila, we have a SPRED community for 11-16 year olds with eight catechists and six friends.  Together, as a small faith community, we learn about what Jesus means to us and what it means to be holy.  Our evenings together are very sacred and begin with simple activities that we work on individually to calm our senses.  After our quiet activity time, we move into the celebration room where we hear the Word of God and listen to our special message for the evening.  Our SPRED night concludes with a shared meal, Agape.  We are all very thankful to spend this special time with one another on Tuesday nights at St. Teresa!