Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs

The season of Advent is almost upon us, a season of waiting patiently for good news, the Good News of Christ who comes to us in unexpected ways. Awaken!!!! God sends us messages through angels and other people; God speaks to us in the events of life, in the joy and in the suffering. The call of Advent: “COME Lord Jesus... to me... to us...”

Last Saturday God sent us a message in our annual fundraiser, which exceeded ALL expectations. We have a mission here, rooted in our faith in Christ and his church, to get the word out about our faith community. We have a message of “great tidings of Joy” in a darkened world that needs the Light of witness. Your witness.... our witness...

I can’t thank enough Carly, James, Patti and their committee of volunteers. They truly made this event the most successful ever and during a pandemic, virtually. How hard they worked!!!!! The event was a powerful example of the Lord coming into our lives through an event to strengthen our financial base, so that we CAN get the message of Jesus out to the poor and those on the peripheries. That we CAN keep our buildings maintained. That we CAN form our adults and children. That we Can support our staff.

Thank you to the Lay Leaders of our outreach ministries: Mairead, Amir, Amy, Nhu, Lisa... the various people who cook all the hot meals, bag the food, distribute the bags of food, reach out to refugees finding a new home....

Thanks to the countless volunteers who work behind the scenes out of love.

Our faith Community of St. Teresa’s has a place and a voice in a city that so needs our witness and faith. My prayer is that we continually create a community in which a person who comes into our church or parish center off the street, looking tired and disheveled, will be welcomed and embraced... as though they were registered.

May our community address the realities that divide, especially racism, in a variety of ways. We are called to respect each other and how we choose to respond. Those of us who are White need to see the hidden inequalities, deeply rooted in our culture for centuries. These roots must be acknowledged and pulled out of the soil of our hearts. Every root of hatred must be acknowledged, pulled out and destroyed.

This faith community gathers in one form or another weekly at the Eucharist, the most important event and celebration we have. This gift is given to us by Christ to keep us CONNECTED to Him and each other. From this CONNECTION, love ignites our various ministries.

Thank you ALL for your support and commitment to this beautiful faith Community. May Christ be born again again in our hearts and in St. Teresa of Avila parish.

Peace,Fr. Frank