Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

It’s fascinating to watch a new building being constructed from bottom up. The foundation is developed by digging, to fortify what will rise from that foundation. The strength of the structure will be dependent upon the strength of the foundation.

Jesus comes into our world to create a building not made of “brick and mortar” but of human beings. But it must have a secure foundation, which is the very presence of Christ: our “firm foundation.” In today’s gospel he begins this foundation by confronting the evil one, Satan, in the person of the man possessed. Jesus clears the way, so to speak, for the foundation of this new “structure” made up of God’s beloved people, his adopted sons and daughters. That’s us.... all of us!

In acknowledging this possessed man who entered into the synagogue, Jesus expels the evil spirit freeing the man to become a part of this “living structure.” Jesus rids the foundation of the influence of evil, his first public act in Mark’s gospel. We, too, as individuals, must face those realities within our hearts that weaken the foundation of our lives. There is a “presence” that does not want us to surrender to the One who IS the foundation: Christ.

We have to look within and identify all the realities that make us insecure and uncertain: fear, hardness of heart, envy, hatred, judgement... These are not from the Spirit of Christ but another spirit of deception. All we need do is turn to the One, the Presence, the Foundation, Christ and allow Christ to free us from the grip of the one who only tells lies. And we must do this consistently, every time we sense this demeaning presence. Pray. Keep praying. Never lose heart. May Christ be the only foundation in your life.

Fr. Frank