Thursday, January 21, 2021

Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

We are called to be people of healing, not division or vengeance. Our country is in such need of healing from the forces that compel us to yell at each other, shouting out such vitriol and negativity. Jesus healed, plain and simple ; he healed through words and physical touch; he healed by gazing into people’s eyes, “seeing” their pain and loneliness; he healed by listening and then responding; he healed by being silent... praying.

How can you be an instrument of healing in your own life, for the people God places before you? At yesterday’s inauguration, the most inspiring moment came not from any adult on the platform, not from any of the political leaders, but from the youngest poet laureate to ever give voice to a poem that could inspire minds and hearts. This 23 year old young woman spoke poetic words of healing, healing a nation, healing a people. I’m not sure what her beliefs are but, for me, Christ was vividly present in her person and in her voice.

You, each one of you reading this, has the power to bring healing, not on such a visible, national stage, witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people, but in the quiet corner of your life. Christ is just as present and can work just as beautifully through you. The only audience that matters, in the end, is the person you heal and Christ.

Fr. Frank