Thursday, March 11, 2021

Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

 Have you ever felt like you needed an exorcist....for yourself??? Yes, it happens to us all when we feel “possessed” by a spirit that is anything but holy. The Evil One is hard at work, sowing seeds of division in our country, our church, and in our families. These divisions begin within the human heart, at the very core of our beings. And then we express them outwardly with gossip, spreading lies, hurting reputations, and self righteous outburst.

We can become “possessed” with anger, indignation, jealousy, lust, greed, indifference, and the list goes on. Jesus is acting as exorcist in today’s gospel by freeing a man from the divisive spirit of the “great divider,” who relishes individuals being excluded from living relationships and community. This poor many couldn’t speak because he was “mute,” unable to express himself and give praise to God. Jesus frees him!!!!!!! Restores him and his dignity... how utterly beautiful.

Jesus wants to free each and everyone of us of those “spirits” that cause us to have divided hearts filled with confusion and turmoil. Jesus wants the opposite: He wants us to be whole, integrated, and filled with tranquility. When you find yourself becoming deeply upset within the core of your being, discern if those feelings come from things you have done or said that truly are hurtful and demanding contrition and apology.

If not, those horrible feelings are simply meant to cause you depression, loneliness and self-defeating attitudes.

Jesus wants each one of us to live with hearts rooted in His Spirit, which wants us to be honest with what lies within, to be sorry, if necessary, but to LET GO and not give that evil one the freedom to take root.

Fr. Frank