Friday, May 14, 2021

Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle

Everyone wants to win the lottery. But remember, there are different kinds of lotteries. Think Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery,” the ending will send shivers up and down your spines!! This Feast of St. Matthias is all about a lottery, one that St. Peter called in order to replace Judas, the betrayer. It was important to keep the number of Apostles a 12 to parallel the 12 tribes of Israel. Well, Matthias win the lottery: waz was chosen to complete the number of the Apostles.

I’m here to tell you who are reading this: you won’t a very special lottery, for Christ has chosen YOU to be his disciple. He chose you from all in humanity which have been called to baptism, either by themselves, the most ideal way, or through parents, having their baby baptized as a matter of faith. That baby absolutely depends upon the faith of the parents.

YOU have been chosen by Christ if you are baptized to do something about your baptism. As St. Matthias completed the number of the apostles, each one of us is called, chosen, by Christ to complete His mission.

Do you see yourself as called by Christ, chosen by Him, to live your life reflecting the gospel? Winning this lottery of being chosen is a life long mission of service and love. This lottery doesn’t give us anything in terms of monetary wealth, if anything, it will ask us to let go of our material wealth.

No, this lottery rewards us with living in Paradise... forever. Not a bad “payback,” but oh the price of the ticket....

Fr. Frank