Wednesday, April 05, 2023

From Fr. Frank

It is with sadness that I am letting you know about the passing of a dear parishioner and friend: Tom Kinsella. Tom had been a part of St. Teresa’s for many years and  has been involved in countless activities and ministries, particularly the food pantry, parish council, finance council and many fundraisers. The last several months have been quite difficult for him as the struggle with cancer became insurmountable.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Myrna, his soulmate and partner for over 42 years. Myrna has also been such an integral part of our community and has helped out in so many ways. May we keep her, her son Jason and his family in our thoughts and prayers as we celebrate the beautiful Feast of Easter, which celebrates the victory of life over death.
May Tom, freed from suffering, live freely in the Kingdom, where he will continue to watch over and love his beloved Myrna and the rest of his family and friends.
A celebration of his life will be held at our parish on Saturday, April 29.

May all have a Blessed Easter