Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Day

One of the greatest “dis-eases” in the world is to forget, a kind of psychological or spiritual forgetfulness. Today is a day of remembrance of the many people and blessings and gifts that make us who we are. Remember. Let gratitude fill your heart for:

-family love, even with hurt feelings. Moms. Dads siblings
-friends who are there for us in Joy and in sorrow
-neighbors and neighborhoods where we are rooted
- schools, education, books, authors, Wikipedia, teachers
-technology that connects us in a pandemic
-first responders, nurses, doctors, caregivers, police officers, firefighters -volunteers, organizers of fundraisers
-people who serve the poor, refugee, the homeless
-catechists, liturgists, musicians
-the people who maintain buildings and keep our streets and alleys clean -political and religious leaders who truly care
-communities and parishes that gather and connect
-God’s Creation, the seasons, all celebrations
-our homes and shelters
-the food and meals. Groceries and grocery stores
-farmers, the workers of the land
-all the beauty around us.
-artists, authors, cooks, bakers
-morning coffee/tea
-Faith. Our Catholic religion. Church. Sacraments.
-Mary our spiritual Mother. Saints
-Trinity of Love

Add to the list that never ends. Gratitude. Jesus healed 10 leper’s but only one remembered to return to him and say THANK YOU!!!! The others forgot, depriving them of the grace that pours into hearts that are grateful.

When we are grateful, not just on one day of the year, but daily, throughout each and every day, we have no need to be bitter or complain. We simply rest in the heart of Christ, filled with gratitude: “Eucharistia,” the word for Mass that means “thanksgiving.”

A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you ALL. Now I will pray the Mass of Thanksgiving on my own for the people of St. Teresa of Avila Faith community. It is truly a privilege, honor and joy to serve as pastor of a people filled with gratitude. Thank you for who you are, who you are solely becoming, what you do for countless people and for your love of Christ and his Mother.

Fr. Frank.