Monday, April 10, 2023

From Fr. Frank

I love the Octave of Easter, the “eight days” celebrating the greatest mystery of the world and our lives: the historical, bodily Resurrection of Christ. It is just too powerful a reality that we need time to let it “sink in,” saturating our hearts with the flavor and aroma of life that is embraced by eternity. What happened to Jesus on that first Easter is gradually unfolding in our own lives, ALL of us, as we wait for the greater Harvest of humanity: our souls and glorified bodies coming together. We are destined to RISE, body and soul, coming around the Easter banquet that never ends.

You have to have bodies to eat and savor food. Yes, there are parties and fears in heaven!!!! Our glorified bodies will allow us to not only eat, but hug and embrace. Who knows what God has in store for us when heaven and earth are joined together in a harmony creating the most  beautiful symphony of Creation. One thing is for certain: it’s not going to be boring!! Angels may be floating about with harps and whatever, but not us!!! It’s going to be an Adventure, a Pilgrimage  of new discovery and growth.

Our destiny is to keep  living and loving as glorified human beings. Love is the ONLY virtue that remains, since faith and hope are no longer necessary. Let that sink in…