Thursday, May 07, 2020

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter

I love the expression, “The church doesn’t have a mission.... the mission has a church.” The mission to spread the Good News, to get out into the world and serve God’s people in your own unique manner, creates the very purpose of the church. We are here, right now, to creatively and lovingly “wash feet,” alluded to in the gospel today.

We “wash feet” by coming out of ourselves and actually seeing the suffering around us in compassion NOT sympathy, a huge difference. Compassion is “walking with” someone, a stranger, in the awareness of prayer. Washing feet...

Doing some kind action, like making the coffee for someone still sleeping, but upon waking, that yawning loved one has the “nectar of the Gods” awaiting, first in smell, then in that tried and true mug. Washing feet...

Filling bags of groceries for the hungry, preparing a meal for the soup kitchen, making clean the place of preparation, the kitchen, it’s pots and pans, how God is experienced. Washing feet...

Calling a lonely parishioner or neighbor, running errands, wearing a mask outside for others’ benefit, not your own and keeping that social distance for the very same reason. Washing feet...
Creating laughter with humorous emails, sharing your own foibles and mishaps that are just plain funny. Washing feet...

Praying daily for others, fingering the “beads”, breathing peace on our world, watching the Mass, being grateful and saying “thank you.” Washing feet...

You may not be able to receive the holy Eucharist, but you are “washing feet” in so many ways. Become aware of these ways that God is working through you, in you and with you. In doing so, you are keeping the mission of Jesus alive and you are creating the church.

Peace, Joy,
Fr. Frank