Thursday, June 03, 2021

Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs

The great Jesuit priest, Fr. Pedro Arrupe, penned a beautiful poem about the power of love. I encourage all who read this reflection to find this powerful poem through the Internet and make a copy. Pray over it, for it is truly. Just Google Pedro Arrupe.

Once we fall in love with the great God who is only Love, everything changes: what we value, how we spend our time, what we buy, what we listen to, what we read, what we worship. What “gets you out of bed each morning?”

Rediscover the foundation of your purpose in life, treasure why this Loving God put you on earth. Why are you here?

Jesus says poignantly to the scribe that the greatest commandment is love of God, but He couples this commandment with another law in the Torah: the love of neighbor. Love of God, love of neighbor and love of self are intertwined and need to be present in each human being. Love always begins with God loving us into being and sustaining our lives. From this Love flows love of our own selves and love of neighbor.

Pedro Arrupe says we must treasure who we are as gifts from God sent into the world to exude Love... to exude God... to become like God. Yes, LOVE is the greatest commandment.

Fr. Frank