Wednesday, March 01, 2023

From Fr. Frank

Prayer equals persistence, patience and perseverance; the  four “P’s” if you will. Christ teaches us to ask, to seek, and to knock in how we experience prayer. Asking…seeking….knocking are actions that root us in prayer, but we must keep at them. Each day brings new experiences which elicit new questions that we explore and work through. Each day brings new searches into the ways God intersects in the ordinary, hum drum ways our days unfold. Each day we knock on the door of Christ’s Heart in every question we ask.

Prayer is a peaceful disposition of being vulnerable before God, gently moving us to transform our ordinary, everyday lives into becoming more aware of our relationship with a deeply personal God. As we are asking, God is asking, “What are you looking for?” As we are searching, God is searching for us. As we are knocking, God is knocking on the door of our hearts. Prayer is dynamic, peaceful and a two way street.

Our relationship with God begs us to be patient, to persist, and especially to persevere when life gets very difficult. The heart of prayer is AWARENESS that God is our constant companion. We experience this passionate God in our searching, knocking and asking.