Friday, March 31, 2023

From Fr. Frank

Actions always speak louder than words. Jesus was trying to plead with those who despised that He identified Himself with God, that they should at least look at His “actions.” The healings, the welcoming of those rejected, caring for the poor…. didn’t these actions “speak” in and of themselves? To those who were jealous of the way so many people were drawn to Jesus, they didn’t care about His actions. They only cared about their authority and position.

Nonetheless, most of us agree that actions of goodness and compassion are to be admired and imitated. We all have the potential of bringing goodness and peace into normal, everyday actions. And the words we use can speak a message that uplifts in some instances, while gently challenging in other instances. But actions that flow from our words is always the way to change hearts.

What “actions”…. and words can you express today that might bring peace and even joy to another person?