Sitting in a cafe in Nájera, Spain, after walking about 19 miles. I’m enjoying a wonderful cafe con leche, allowing my feet some much needed rest. I met a pilgrim who just moved to Chicago from Australia, living very near St. Teresa’s. A small world, indeed. He is 40 years younger than I, a pilot and very fast walker. His name: Sage. I mention his name because I also met a woman from London whose name was Saffron. Two pilgrims named after two spices!
I am saying Mass each day in my little room. If you need a Mass said for any particular purpose, just send me an email. If you need a special prayer intention, once again, send me an email to ensure confidentiality. This walk is allowing me to pray quite a bit. I really miss the community and the city. Despite its many problems, Chicago is beautiful city with much to offer. I hope its future may become more secure.
As I reflect through the bourse of silent walking, I am constantly reminded of our outreach ministries. I’m dedicating this walk across Spain to our outreach ministries, hopefully raiding funds to strengthen We are a strong faith community with a mission to help the one being released from prison to transition to life outside; to welcome the refugee settle in to their new life in a new country and culture; to give a fresh, hot meal to the hungry; providing groceries for those just barely making it.
If you are able, please support me on this Camino by donating for these ministries. You can do so on Give Central and making the donation thru “” ALL funds will be dedicated ONLY for these ministries.
I’m taking it one day at a time, as healing continues, thanks to medication!!
Buen Camino

I am saying Mass each day in my little room. If you need a Mass said for any particular purpose, just send me an email. If you need a special prayer intention, once again, send me an email to ensure confidentiality. This walk is allowing me to pray quite a bit. I really miss the community and the city. Despite its many problems, Chicago is beautiful city with much to offer. I hope its future may become more secure.
As I reflect through the bourse of silent walking, I am constantly reminded of our outreach ministries. I’m dedicating this walk across Spain to our outreach ministries, hopefully raiding funds to strengthen We are a strong faith community with a mission to help the one being released from prison to transition to life outside; to welcome the refugee settle in to their new life in a new country and culture; to give a fresh, hot meal to the hungry; providing groceries for those just barely making it.
If you are able, please support me on this Camino by donating for these ministries. You can do so on Give Central and making the donation thru “” ALL funds will be dedicated ONLY for these ministries.
I’m taking it one day at a time, as healing continues, thanks to medication!!
Buen Camino