Sacrament Preparation

First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation

Children Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

This sacrament is usually received in the second grade.  Children and parents go through a formation process as a group prior to sacrament reception.  Parental involvement is a very important part of the preparation process. For more information, please contact Charisse Gioia at the parish office at 773-528-6650 or email .

Children Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of First Communion

This sacrament is usually received in the second grade, after receiving 1st Reconciliation.  Children must be in at least their second year of Religious Education in order to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Communion.  Children and parents go through a formation process prior to receiving the sacrament. For more information, please contact Charisse Gioia at the parish office at 773-528-6650 or email

Children Preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation is only to be received after the child makes the decision to be confirmed. This can happen any time in 8th grade or high school.  After High School, anyone seeking Confirmation would go through the Adult Confirmation process.  Confirmands and their sponsors will meet with the formation team for several months prior to receiving the sacrament. For more information, please contact Charisse Gioia at the parish office at 773-528-6650 or email


Charisse Gioia

773-528-6650 ext. 230